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August 9, 2024
9:00 - 10:30 am Pacific
10:00 - 11:30 am Mountain
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Central
12:00 - 1:30 pm Eastern
Replay provided
Can you relate to one or more of these?
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Your child gets anxiety about everyday things like going to school and you don't know how to help them. You have tried all the things you can think of and it feels like nothing works. 
You notice yourself feeling overwhelmed and stressed and some days it feels like you're failing as a parent. 
You feel terrible saying it out loud but some days you just want to hide from all the drama and emotions that your child brings to you.
You aren't sure if your child needs medication or even if you'd be comfortable with that and you'd like to just make sure you've done all you can do before you go to that option.
OR your child takes medication which helps but you want to make sure you're teaching him or her how to manage their emotions as well. It doesn't feel like medication should be the end of the treatment plan.
You have a tendency to worry or get anxious yourself and you're worried your child has learned it from you. 

If you identify with some or all of these things, then you are a perfect fit for this workshop. I've helped so many parents in every one of these situations and I promise you can get to peace and be the support you want to be to your child. 

August 9, 2024
9:00 - 10:30 am Pacific
10:00 - 11:30 am Mountain
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Central
12:00 - 1:30 pm Eastern
Replay provided
Can you relate to one or more of these?
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Your child gets anxiety about everyday things like going to school and you don't know how to help them. You have tried all the things you can think of and it feels like nothing works. 
You notice yourself feeling overwhelmed and stressed and some days it feels like you're failing as a parent. 
You feel terrible saying it out loud but some days you just want to hide from all the drama and emotions that your child brings to you.
You aren't sure if your child needs medication or even if you'd be comfortable with that and you'd like to just make sure you've done all you can do before you go to that option.
OR your child takes medication which helps but you want to make sure you're teaching him or her how to manage their emotions as well. It doesn't feel like medication should be the end of the treatment plan.
You have a tendency to worry or get anxious yourself and you're worried your child has learned it from you. 

If you identify with some or all of these things, then you are a perfect fit for this workshop. I've helped so many parents in every one of these situations and I promise you can get to peace and be the support you want to be to your child. 

You'll leave this workshop with the following:  
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1. An understanding of the 3 most common mistakes I see parents make that can contribute more to the problem than the solution...and how to avoid these.

2. Real time answers to specific questions (this is a live zoom not a recorded class).

3. A strategy you can implement right away that is simple and powerful for anytime your child has a lot of anxiety and you're not sure what to do.

4. A new way to approach this challenge that is unlike anything you've tried before.

5. An understanding of how you can get more support from Jody if you want it going forward. If you don't, no problem. No pressure. Just info. 

You'll leave this workshop with the following:  
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1. An understanding of the 3 most common mistakes I see parents make that can contribute more to the problem than the solution...and how to avoid these.

2. Real time answers to specific questions (this is a live zoom not a recorded class).

3. A strategy you can implement right away that is simple and powerful for anytime your child has a lot of anxiety and you're not sure what to do.

4. A new way to approach this challenge that is unlike anything you've tried before.

5. An understanding of how you can get more support from Jody if you want it going forward. If you don't, no problem. No pressure. Just info. 

August 9, 2024
9:00 - 10:30 am Pacific
10:00 - 11:30 am Mountain
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Central
12:00 - 1:30 pm Eastern
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This is a one time offer! We won't offer this webinar again anytime soon.
Register today if you, your child or someone you love struggles with anxiety. 
What creates anxiety? 

Both Biology and Psychology can be factors in anxiety and understanding both will give you the tools necessary to guide and support your child with both.
How to deal with your own feelings 

When our kids are struggling it's natural that we would struggle as well. But when you understand how to manage your own emotions, you will be better equipped to support your child and you won't have to wait for them to feel better before you can feel better. This is a gift to both of you. 
How to process feelings

Despite our best efforts to prevent it, all of our kids are going to feel bad at times and so are we. Instead of trying to talk them out of how they're feeling or resisting our own feelings, we must learn to process them and teach our kids the same. This is a game changer. Trust me. 
Your specific questions and challenges

You'll have the opportunity to come onto the call live to get real time coaching help or to post questions for Jody in the Q and A because we believe that theory and concepts are great but nothing beats real life application.
What creates anxiety? 

Both Biology and Psychology can be factors in anxiety and understanding both will give you the tools necessary to guide and support your child with both.
How to deal with your own feelings 

When our kids are struggling it's natural that we would struggle as well. But when you understand how to manage your own emotions, you will be better equipped to support your child and you won't have to wait for them to feel better before you can feel better. This is a gift to both of you.
How to process feelings

Despite our best efforts to prevent it, all of our kids are going to feel bad at times and so are we. Instead of trying to talk them out of how they're feeling or resisting our own feelings, we must learn to process them and teach our kids the same. This is a game changer. Trust me.
Your specific questions and challenges

You'll have the opportunity to come onto the call live to get real time coaching help or to post questions for Jody in the Q and A because we believe that theory and concepts are great but nothing beats real life application.
 About Jody Moore  

I have 4 kids of my own and they all get anxious from time to time but a couple of them really struggle more than what seems normal to me. Thank goodness I understand the tools I now teach others. They've been a game changer for me personally and in terms of how I guide my children when they are struggling. 

When I first discovered the tools of coaching it felt like knowledge someone really should have taught me sooner. But as I went on to gain enough mastery to coach others I realized I learned them at the perfect time. The struggle I had before coaching helped me be able to understand what my clients are going through and I'm grateful for all of it.

In my 10 years as a coach I've been honored to help thousands of clients so no matter what your challenge is, I've likely heard it. There is nothing too big or too small that coaching can't help to impact for good. Trust me.

What makes my coaching and teaching style unique is that as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I bring christian values to my work. But as a coach who loves you too much to see you continue to suffer needlessly, I also bring a direct and honest voice that will empower you to make permanent changes if you choose to be open to it. 

About Jody Moore 

I have 4 kids of my own and they all get anxious from time to time but a couple of them really struggle more than what seems normal to me. Thank goodness I understand the tools I now teach others. They've been a game changer for me personally and in terms of how I guide my children when they are struggling. 

When I first discovered the tools of coaching it felt like knowledge someone really should have taught me sooner. But as I went on to gain enough mastery to coach others I realized I learned them at the perfect time. The struggle I had before coaching helped me be able to understand what my clients are going through and I'm grateful for all of it.

In my 10 years as a coach I've been honored to help thousands of clients so no matter what your challenge is, I've likely heard it. There is nothing too big or too small that coaching can't help to impact for good. Trust me.

What makes my coaching and teaching style unique is that as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I bring christian values to my work. But as a coach who loves you too much to see you continue to suffer needlessly, I also bring a direct and honest voice that will empower you to make permanent changes if you choose to be open to it. 
