My mailbox is located a full block away from my house and generally, the only mail I receive is a bunch of credit card applications disguised to look like the checks I’ve been expecting ever since Oprah told me about The Secret. Since I hate getting punked and I’m too lazy to load the baby into the stroller and walk my hiney down there, I rarely check the mailbox. I’m positive the mail lady hates me. (Note: Spell Check does not recognize the word “punked” or “hiney.” Come on Microsoft. It’s nearly 2015!)
But everything changes in December. In December I check the mail daily in the anticipation of receiving friends’ Christmas cards. I LOVE seeing them with their families and the cards they’ve picked out and the warm messages of holiday love. I love all of it.
In the past week alone I’ve read several posts or blogs that mention that the sending of the family photo Christmas card is an act of indulgence in an attempt to portray a facade of a life that isn’t real or accurate. It’s been called pretentious to assume that other people care to see or hear about your family and your life.
Furthermore, in the age of social media everyone who is interested can see your family updates online so the Christmas card is not necessary any longer. As I read this I found myself thinking NOW JUST HOLD ON RUDOLPH! DON’T GET YOUR TINSEL IN A TANGLE!
Then I did some serious noodling about this whole process and why I do it. So here you go. 5 reasons I’m still completely in love with sending and receiving Christmas cards. You’re welcome America.
1. I’m a sucker for good design. I, like many people, am very visual. I love things that look pretty. It’s sometimes a problem for me because I am so drawn to pretty things that I can lose a healthy perspective if I’m not careful. I like how fashion designer and film director Tom Ford said it:
I do struggle because I’m attracted to beautiful things, yet at the same time I am actually very aware, in some sense, of their lack of value and that the most important things in life are your connections to other people.
The photo Christmas card is pretty and so I like it and I think it’s awesome that online card shops have made it so easy for us to plug in our photos and create a masterpiece. At the end of November, instead of showering or reading to my children, you’ll find me online “designing” the family Christmas card. And I love to see your brilliant “designs” too. Nice work everyone.
2. Families are awesome. I must admit, I love seeing my family captured in a quick moment on a jpeg. Even if nobody is smiling or looking at the camera. And I love seeing your families just as much. Seeing all these families on cards reminds me how cool it is that we are sent to this earth and then placed in our own unique families. Families are complicated and messy and they bring out our best AND worst sides….sometimes within the same hour. And I think that’s EXACTLY how God intended it.
Furthermore I think families are the ultimate example of a team that must learn to work together, to leverage strengths and compensate for weaknesses, and to unite to accomplish common goals. And you don’t even get to vote anyone off the island. What else in this life is more vulnerable or real than family? Not easy. Not simple. But perfect in their own unique ways. Maybe you have your own little family or maybe you’re the favorite Aunt or Uncle. Aren’t you glad that families are FOREVER?
And I don’t believe most people are trying to fool anyone into believing their family is perfect when they send out a Christmas card. They just happen to LOVE their families so much their hearts might explode and when you really love something, you want to share it with others. Like a good movie or book. That’s all it is. Sharing the love. Like, “Hey friends. Check out my kids! They clean up nice don’t you think?” Bonus: Kids are cuter in pictures because there are no accompanying kid sounds and no wiggling. I love kids in pictures most of all.
3. You can hold it in your hand. An actual card is so different from what you see on Facebook or Instagram because it involves more of your senses. Not only do you see it, you feel it, smell it and even hear the sound of the envelope being opened. Neuroscience says that the more senses you use, the more of an emotional connection you’ll have with that experience. Seeing your family online makes me happy, but opening your Christmas card makes me even happier. Science says so.
4. It tells someone you thought about them. Posting online is saying, “Here you go world. Have a look at this.” But sending a Christmas card means you pick out each and every person who will receive a card. Maybe you even have to track down their address. It takes thought and effort and a stamp so you don’t send it to all of your Facebook followers. You pick the people you feel closest to. The ones you think will appreciate it.
I can honestly say each card I address gives me a moment to think about the person or family I’m sending it to and I think that’s part of what I love about sending out my Christmas cards each year and why I can’t bring myself to switch to printable labels. Besides, it’s sort of mindless work and can be done while listening to holiday music or a Christmas movie or to your kids fighting about whether or not Math is “hard.”
5. THIS.
This gem is the Lyman family Christmas card picture circa 1984. Clearly the person who took this photo forgot to count to three because most of us are NOT READY!
For starters, my Dad isn’t grumpy in this picture. That is just his “resting face.” Honest engine.
I’m glad my mom was blinking so you can appreciate the blue eye-shadow which I think is back in style again.
My brother Jared’s look of disgust at my sister Natalie picking her nose needs no explanation, but please don’t overlook the spirit of Christmas that this moment is inviting.
Poor newborn baby Ben wishing he could go back to a place that is warm and quiet and void of indoor flash photography.
And while Lindsay and Natalie had matching bobs, I was lucky enough to have the naturally-curly-haired mullet at age 10. I believe wearing that hairstyle for years made me a stronger woman in the end.
And don’t forget the cat…planning a rapid escape from this madness.
But if it weren’t for the tradition of the Christmas card, my mom would not have forced us into matching dresses (which she sewed herself by the way) and captured this beautiful, REAL moment on film which we all greatly appreciate having 30-years later. Thanks Mom.
So there you have it….
When the Christmas cards start rolling in, think whatever you want to about them. You can choose to believe that it’s someone’s way of hiding their real struggles or that they are self-indulgent. You can believe it’s a waste of paper because, didn’t they see Wall-e?
But I like to believe it is nothing but thoughtful. This person went to the trouble of gathering my address and sending me the card they carefully picked out. They wanted to share something with me that they love more than anything else in this world. Their family. I’m so honored.
Did you do a Christmas card this year? If so send one to ME and get entered to win FREE registration at the tele-course running this January that will ROCK YOUR WORLD.
It’s called: OWN IT 2015.
Do you want to make sure 2015 KICKS BUTT over 2014? This is the course for you.
If you find you make the same resolutions year after year and can’t figure out how to conquer them once and for all, you’ve got to take this course.
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This is NOTHING LIKE any goal setting or planning you’ve had in the past. This is about life-changing and demon conquering because we focus on how to use your mind to get the results you want.
Click the image for more details!
Send your Christmas card to:
Bold New Mom
4010 Foothill Blvd.
Ste. 103 PMB #17
Roseville, CA
Don’t forget to include your email address or phone number so we can contact you if you win! Cards must be received by Dec 25th to be eligible. Winner will be announced on December 29th.
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