I’ve probably fielded more questions in my private membership group about spouses than any other topic. As an LDS Life Coach, I knew real marriage advice would be a hot topic over the years. Marriage is an important part of LDS doctrine and I love coaching men and women through the challenges that come so couples can fight for their marriages, not fight in their marriages.
There is a lot of advice out there, and some of it is not healthy, especially for LDS couples. Above all, you get to decide what kind of relationship you want.
391. When Your Husband Doesn’t Want What You Want
334. How to Meet Your Own Needs
Ep 96. 5 Secrets to a Happy Marriage
Ep 117. Equal Partners in Marriage
Ep 165. Meeting Your Own Needs in Marriage
Ep 11. The Simple, Powerful Truth About Marriage
I know this is a start, and I also know there are some circumstances that require deeper support and maybe even divorce. My hope is that you get the help you need if you’re navigating the harder parts of marriage.
If you like this podcast playlist on real marriage advice for LDS community, you’ll like the intimacy playlist coming up next. Stay tuned.
What other topics would you like me to cover on the podcast or in this Top Podcast series?
We’re celebrating over 20 million downloads of our show and we have you to thank! (If you’re new here, welcome. I hope you enjoy these episodes on preparing for marriage and on building a connected marriage that lasts)
Hi, I’m Jody Moore. The best way to live gospel principles is to learn to direct your brain and choose emotions that allow you to feel the Spirit in your life. I’ve been an LDS Life coach for a decade. If you’re looking for a faith-based approach, check out my monthly pay-as-you-go, gym type membership for your emotional and mental health. I call it Better Than Happy The Lab. It’s the most affordable, high-value coaching program out there where we cover all things relationships, money, confidence, physical/emotional health, parenting, weight loss, entrepreneurship, and more.